
Complement to AHIP (18 Credits)

18 credits

Courses Outline

38755 - Healthcare and the Insurance Marketplace
Lesson #Description
1Eligibility for Marketplace Health Insurance
2Medicaid and CHIP
3Marketplace Tips & Tools
4Resources for Insurance Producers
5How to Choose a Marketplace Plan
6Health Insurance for Small Employers
7Specific Circumstances
8Specific Provisions of the ACA
9Public Opinion
10U.S. Healthcare Concerns
11Health Insurance Plans in the U.S.
12Healthcare Reform
13Primary Goals of the ACA
14Applying for Marketplace Health Insurance
15Healthcare in (Utah)
16Health Insurance for Large Employers
36565 - Long Term Care Insurance
Lesson #Description
1Aging in America
2What is Long-Term Care?
3Types of LTC
4Health Insurance & LTC
5Utah Medicaid & LTC
6Ways to Pay for LTC
7Utah LTC Insurance Law
8Utah LTC Insurance Rule
9LTC Definitions
10Outline of Coverage
11LTCI Shopper’s Guide
12LTCI Suitability
13LTCI Marketing Standards
14Unintentional Lapse
15Reporting Requirements
16Using Life Insurance for Long-Term Care
ETH-36351 - Ethics & Insurance Legalities
Lesson #Description
1The Virtues
6Insurance Contracts
7Legal Interpretations
8Risk Management
10Agent Authority
11Federal Regulation
13License Types
14Insurer Regulation
15Producer Regulation
16Insurance for Insurance Agents
L-36350 - Retirement & Insurance
Lesson #Description
1Aging Demographics
2Retirement Worries
3Aging of America
4Senior Healthcare
5Social Security: How it Works
6Social Security: Is it Broke?
7Social Security: The Fix?
8Medicare Fundamentals
9Medicare Part A
10Medicare Part B
11Medicare Part C
12Medicare Part D
14Medigap Plans
15Medicare's Future
16Retirement Income